Early plans for Thanet Wind Farm Extension to go on show in Kent
Vattenfall invites Thanet locals to five information days about offshore project
Vattenfall, the Swedish energy company, has revealed early plans to extend one of its Kent offshore wind farms and wants to talk to local people about them.
The wind energy developer, which owns and operates three offshore wind farms off the Kent coast, wants to build and operate an up to 34 turbine extension to the 100 turbine Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, which is sited 10-15km off Foreness Point.
And Vattenfall wants comments and questions from local people about its early plans for an extension. The developer will hold five public information days from the 20 January in the Thanet area (see below).
Helen Jameson, the Project Director for the Thanet Extension Offshore Wind Farm, said: “Vattenfall’s Kent Cluster of offshore wind power has made an important contribution to the Thanet and Kent economy and community. We think there is an opportunity to add more green energy capacity to the existing Thanet Offshore Wind Farm to deliver cheap, green, economy boosting electricity.
“We are at the early stages but it’s important we understand local people’s concerns and hopes for the extension. Please come along to one of our drop in sessions and ask the specialists on hand about our early plans.”
More than 70 people are currently working at Vattenfall’s busy Ramsgate Harbour operations base supporting the three wind farms in the Kent Cluster: Thanet, Kentish Flats and Kentish Flats Extension.
Vattenfall wants to be carbon neutral by 2050. Its growing European wind power business plans to treble its wind capacity by 2025 to 7GW, contributing towards Vattenfall’s sustainability objectives.
This week (04/01/17) Vattenfall requested an opinion from Government advisors about the scope of the environmental impact assessment, known as a scoping request. As the extension would be considered a major infrastructure investment by planners the planning process will be handled by the Planning Inspectorate and a Development Consent Order (DCO) is required to be granted by UK Government’s Energy Secretary.
Date (2017) |
Location |
Time |
Friday, 20 January
Royal Temple Yacht Club 6 Westcliff Mansions, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9HY |
2pm - 7pm
Saturday, 21 January
Broadstairs Pavilion Harbour Street, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1EU |
11am - 4pm
Monday, 23 January
The Walpole, Cliftonville Fifth Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent, CT9 2JJ |
2pm - 7pm
Thursday, 26 January
Guildhall, Sandwich The Guildhall, Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AH |
2pm - 7pm
Saturday, 28 January
Cliffsend Village Hall Foads Lane, Cliffsend, Kent, CT12 5JH |
2pm - 7pm