Remuneration guidelines
Here, you will find Vattenfall's compensation guidelines, including directors' fees and compensation of senior executives, as decided by the shareholder at the Annual General Meeting.
Directors’ fees
Directors’ fees and fees for committee work are set by the Annual General Meeting, based on the state’s ownership policy.
The Annual General Meeting 2024 decided that, for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, the Chairman of the Board receives a fee of SEK 965 000 and other Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting receive a fee of SEK 435 000 per Director.
For the work in the Audit Committee, the Chairman receives a fee of SEK 118 000 and the Directors receive a fee of SEK 88 000 per Director.
For the work in the Remuneration Committee, the Chairman receives a fee of SEK 61 800 and the Directors receive a fee of SEK 46 300 per Director.
No fee is received by Directors employed at the government offices or to employee representatives.
Remuneration of senior executives
The Annual General meeting of Vattenfall AB has adopted guidelines for remuneration to senior executives. These Guidelines are based on the Swedish Government Offices' principles, which form part of the Swedish State’s ownership policy, with one deviation as to how the principles are applied in Vattenfall’s subsidiaries. This deviation means that instead of the definition of senior executive in the Government Office’s principles, senior executives shall be defined on the basis of whether they have a significant impact on the Group’s earnings, through use of the International Position Evaluation (IPE) model. Managers with positions of IPE 68 and higher are to be considered as senior executives. The Board’s explanation for this deviation is stated in the Guidelines.
Vattenfall does not pay any variable compensation to senior executives.

More on remuneration
Directors’ fees as well as remuneration for the CEO and other senior executives, and compliance with the guidelines set by the 2022 and 2023 Annual General Meetings are described in more detail in the Remuneration report and in the Annual and sustainability report, Note 42 to the consolidated accounts.
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