Audit committee
Members of the Audit committee are Fredrik Rystedt (chair), Pär Ekeroth, Nina Linander, Per Lindberg and Rolf Ohlsson (employee representative).
The Audit committee oversees Vattenfall’s financial reporting, including the sustainability report, and is responsible for meeting with Vattenfall AB’s external and internal auditors on a regular basis in order to stay informed about the planning, focus and scope of the company’s audit.
The Audit committee is also responsible for discussing coordination of the external and internal audit work and views of the company’s financial risks. The Audit committee has the right, on behalf of the Board, to decide on other services than auditing and review of sustainability reports that Vattenfall may procure from the Group’s auditors.
The Audit committee meets prior to Vattenfall’s publication of interim reports and when warranted by the prevailing conditions. The CFO and the Head of Internal Audit serve in a reporting role. The external auditors attend all regular meetings.
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The directors are elected annually by the Annual General Meeting.

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