Understanding Vattenfall

We are determined to enable fossil freedom that drives society forward.

Vattenfall is a leading European energy company, that for more than 100 years has electrified industries, supplied energy to people’s homes and modernised our way of living through innovation and cooperation. Our goal is fossil freedom. Therefore we are driving the transition to a more sustainable energy system through growth in renewable production and climate smart energy solutions for our customers.

The parent company of the Vattenfall Group, Vattenfall AB, is a non-listed company, 100 per cent owned by the Swedish state. Vattenfall finances its operations by own generated cash flow and external funding, mainly in the form of corporate bonds. Our long term credit ratings are BBB+ stable outlook by S&P and A3 stable outlook by Moody’s. Vattenfall has a committed Revolving Credit Facility of EUR 2 billion.

Our strategy

Vattenfall's goal is fossil freedom. Sustainability is an integrated part of our strategic targets.

Corporate governance

Supported by good corporate governance – with effective organisational structure, internal control and risk management – Vattenfall’s business can be driven towards the set targets and in accordance with Vattenfall's principles.


At Vattenfall we aspire to contribute to a sustainable energy system in all parts of the value chain. Our goal is to be a truly customer-centric company as we change over to a long-term sustainable production portfolio.

Our operations

Vattenfall is an integrated energy company with the customer at the core of our business. We believe sustainable growth will guide us into the future.

Key financials

Make comparisons and analyses in tabular or graphical formats with our financial analysis tool.

Funding and credit ratings

Learn about our financing strategy, funding goals and principles and credit ratings. This section includes an overview of our debt issuance programmes, outstanding bonds, debt maturity profile as well as a list of credit analysts covering Vattenfall.

FAQ and glossary

Find answers to frequently asked questions and see our glossary published in Vattenfall’s Annual and Sustainability Report.

See also

View of a wind turbine

Learn about our strategic and financial targets.

Interior view of Vattenfall headquarters

Our latest annual and sustainability report, interim reports and other presentations.

Girl with green jumper looking into the camera

We have decided to make the biggest leap yet to reduce the impact of climate change.