Outages at Ringhals in 2013

This year's outage season at Ringhals started at the end of April and is scheduled to last until October.

Every year the reactors are shut down for several weeks to undergo maintenance work, tests required by the authorities and modernisations. Some of the uranium fuel is changed as well. All these tasks are done to get the power plant ready for another safe and stable season of operation.

Planned shutdowns in 2013

Ringhals 1: 28th April-2nd June
Ringhals 2: 7th September-8th October
Ringhals 3: 10th August-31st October
Ringhals 4: 18th May-16th June

This year's outage tasks 

Ringhals 1
• Move back panels in the control room forwards; this is a design-basis project for the duration of the outage *
• Replacement of safety switchgears to continue; this year will see the local switchgear and MCB distribution replaced *
• Replacement of cables to achieve a higher environmental rating (environmental qualifications); this year will see preparatory work being done for the coming year
• Testing part of Autobor system that was introduced last year
• Seismics – ability to withstand earthquakes *
• Improvement of condensate purification in turbine train 11

* Outage work which is part of Ringhals' 2015 transition plans to incorporate extra safety in line with SSM requirements.

Ringhals 2
• The activity determining the length of time when the core is removed from the reactor vessel is environmental qualification – this year will see the replacement of the connectors for valves and fan motors for coolers in pump rooms *
• The Seismic project is continuing with anchoring of peripheral system to manage earthquakes *
• Transformers are being replaced at T21, with a refurbished transformer being re-introduced; at the same time excitation transformers are being replaced
• Inspection of drainage shaft and cooling water discharge
• Relining of pipes in the salt water cooling system to continue
• Pressure relief in the cooling system for the shut-down of reactor *
• Replacement of check valves after the main feed water pumps on both of the turbine trains

* Outage work which is part of Ringhals' 2015 transition plans to incorporate extra safety in line with SSM requirements.

Ringhals 3
• The design-basis for this outage are the repairs to the salt water system for cooling of turbine and reactor components
• Safety-related plant modification which will see the residual heat removal system (RH) and the containment spray system (SP) assembled *
• Continued installation work in preparation for new DG934 auxillary diesel generator, which will be connected next year
• Seismics – continued replacement of relays and braces for switchgear cabinet *
• Seismics – replacement of ceiling in the control room
• Repairs to high pressure feed heaters
• Relining of pipes in the salt water cooling system
• Installation of vortex breaker in a water storage tank
• Inspection of channel between the swell basin and condenser outlet from the turbine plant

* Outage work which is part of Ringhals' 2015 transition plans to incorporate extra safety in line with SSM requirements.

Ringhals 4
• Seismic measures – anchoring of switchgear cabinets and continued replacement of relays * – are the design-basis for the duration of the outage
• Continued installation work in preparation for new auxillary DG934 diesel generator, which will be connected next year
• Installation of vortex breaker in a water storage tank
• Conversion of upper taps on the accumulator tanks to accommodate larger volume of water and higher pressure
• Inspection of channel between the swell basin and condenser outlet from the turbine plant

* Outage work which is part of Ringhals' 2015 transition plans to incorporate extra safety in line with SSM requirements.

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