A good production year for Ringhals in 2013

Ringhals can look back at a calm and stable year of production. In total, 26.7 TWh of electricity was generated, making 2013 the third best production year in Ringhals' history.

"2013 has been a good year in many ways, says Eva Halldén, Managing Director at Ringhals. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has confidence in our safety work and during the year they suspended the specific operating conditions that we have had to comply with since 2009. We have also been very successful in carrying out the year's modernisation work and safety improvement changes to the plant. We are happy that our outages – the yearly production stops for fuel replacement, modernisation work and maintenance measures – have been conducted on time."

Not least Ringhals 4 has had a very good year. It produced 7.4 TWh, which is enough electricity to supply the entire Gothenburg region for a whole year. It is the second highest production figure for Ringhals 4 in any one year. Availability was also high at 91 per cent thanks to few stoppages during the year.

Ringhals celebrates 40 years as an electricity generator in 2014. The first kilowatt hours of electricity were produced in 1974 and no less than 775,000,000,000 kWh has been produced since then. This is enough to provide 155 million homes with household electricity for one year.

During 2014, we will highlight a selection of different events in our history and describe the development of Ringhals in Varberg municipality up until today and in the future.

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