Operating segments

Business Area Customers & Solutions

Customers & Solutions provides electricity, heat, gas, and energy solutions to retail and business customers in northwestern Europe. The Heat operating segment is comprised of the heating and condensing businesses, including waste-to-energy plants, serving district heat customers in the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, including Amsterdam, Uppsala, and Bristol.

A young woman with her bike on a street in central Stockholm

We aspire to be the decarbonisation partner of choice.

Vattenfall is a market leader in Sweden – with 0.9 million electricity contracts and 3.1 TWh heat delivered, and in the Netherlands, with 3.2 million electricity and gas contracts and 1.6 TWh heat. We are among the leading energy suppliers in Germany with 5.2 million gas and electricity contracts. We are also a market challenger for sales of electricity in Finland and Norway, and in France for electricity and gas.

Vattenfall has installed 742 MW of charging point capacity throughout Europe, offering e-mobility charging solutions for people’s homes and businesses, as well as public charging stations in our Swedish, Dutch, and German markets. Our flexible energy solutions support grid stability and the energy transition. In addition, we offer a broad range of decentralised decarbonisation solutions such as heat pumps and solar panels.

Strategy and targets

Vattenfall aspires to be the decarbonisation partner of choice, supporting customers in the energy transition by offering fossil-free electricity and biomethane, low-carbon heating solutions grids, and decentralised energy solutions for businesses and consumers. The commitment remains strong to reducing emissions from heat, gas and electricity in line with our SBTi 2030 and net-zero 2040 targets.

The focus in heat operations is offering an attractive and reliable heat supply in the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK. Vattenfall aims to become a leading operator of e-mobility charging points in northwestern Europe, and we are developing flexibility services to help customers optimise energy consumption and balance the energy grid.

More about Customers & Solutions

Read more about Business Area Customers & Solutions in the Annual and sustainability report.

Key data

  2024 2023
Net sales (SEK million) 188,992 235,201
External net sales (SEK million) 175,530 215,626
Underlying operating profit1 (SEK million) 9,450 9,203
Sales of electricity (TWh) 106.5 113.5
– of which, private customers 27.3 27.6
– of which, resellers 27.0 36.3
– of which, business customers 52.2 49.6
Sales of gas (TWh) 50.4 44.1
Sales of heat (TWh) 4.8 4.8
Net Promoter Score (NPS) absolute2 +15 +11

1. Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability.

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