Operating segments

Business Area Distribution

Operating segment Distribution mainly consists of Vattenfall’s electricity distribution operations in Sweden and the UK, and its offerings within Power-as-a-Service (PaaS). It is primarily a regulated business supervised by national regulators.

Employee in safety gear working on top of electricity pylon

A robust and cost-efficient grid is a prerequisite for the energy transition.

In Sweden, Vattenfall owns and operates around 139,000 km of electricity grids, primarily located in the north and central parts of the country, and has about one million business and private customers. Vattenfall is the largest owner and operator of regional grids and one of the three largest owners of local grids. The PaaS offering, which is a part of the unregulated business, enables electrification and facilitates the expansion of renewable production by acquiring, building, owning, and operating electrical infrastructure.

Strategy and targets

A robust and cost-efficient grid is a prerequisite for the energy transition. By accelerating the expansion and renewal of the electricity grid, we enable the energy transition for customers and society. Our aim is to enable distribution of twice as much electricity in our grid by 2030 while maintaining 99.99 per cent continuity of supply. To achieve this, efforts focus on optimising our operations whilst continuing to develop competencies and securing the value chain. Working on alleviating bottlenecks like regulation, permitting processes and contractor availability will be key to ensure long-term and stable market conditions.

Our strategy is deeply rooted in the sustainability agenda, contributing to a just energy transition that benefits individuals, society, and the environment. To identify areas where we can improve, we follow up on our own performance and conduct supplier dialogues, inspections, and audits. Going forward, our focus will be on enhancing biodiversity, reducing CO2 emissions from our operations and supply chain, and ensuring the health and safety of our contractors and employees.

More about Distribution

Read more about Business Area Distribution in the latest Annual and sustainability report.

Key data

  2024 2023
Net sales (SEK million) 13,851 11,139
External net sales (SEK million) 13,229 10,445
Underlying operating profit1 (SEK million) 2,599 1,526
Investments (SEK million) 10,114 6,861
SAIDI2 (minutes/customer) 123 132
SAIFI3 (number/customer) 1.9 1.9

1. Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability.
2. SAIDI: System Average Interruption Duration Index. Refers to Sweden.
3. SAIFI: System Average Interruption Frequency Index. Refers to Sweden.

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