Operating segments

Business Area Wind

Vattenfall has a strong portfolio of offshore and onshore wind in combination with large-scale solar and batteries. We operate more than 1,400 wind turbines with a total operated capacity of 6.6 GW in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK.

The Höge väg wind farm in Sweden

The Höge väg wind farm in Sweden.

In 2024, we increased our installed capacity by 34 per cent due to increased volumes from newly commissioned assets. In the spring, we commissioned the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind park, with enough capacity to supply electricity to 1.5 million Dutch households. In Denmark, we inaugurated the Versterhav Nord and Syd projects, which generate electricity to supply 350,000 Danish households.

Strategy and targets

We accelerate Vattenfall’s journey to fossil freedom through the power of renewables. By developing, constructing and operating offshore and onshore wind farms, as well as large-scale solar PV with co-located batteries, we deliver fossil-free electricity to our customers and partners.

In offshore wind, our mid-term strategic priority is to deliver our flagship projects Nordlicht I & II in Germany, and Zeevonk in the Netherlands. In onshore wind, we balance our renewable growth ambitions and industry decarbonisation needs.

For solar and batteries, we believe that hybrid development of large-scale solar and co-located batteries is the “new normal”, to increase resilience and protect against lower prices.

More about Wind

Read more about Business Area Wind in the latest Annual and sustainability report.

Key data

  2024 2023
Net sales (SEK million) 21,585 25,373
External net sales (SEK million) 4,174 8,537
Underlying operating profit1 (SEK million) 5,884 6,544
Electricity generation (TWh) 17.1 13.8

1. Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability.

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