What does security clearance involve?


What does security clearance involve?


Security clearance comprises two parts:

Part 1: Your employer carries out an interview with the form Security clearance certification as a basis and both sign it. This confirms trustworthiness and reliability. The certification must demonstrate that the person has not:

  • Been tested positive for drugs or use of alcohol that resulted in on-duty impairment
  • Been subject to a rehabilitation plan for treating substance abuse (except for self-referral)
  • Been denied unescorted access or removed from any nuclear power plant in accordance with the fitness for duty policy
  • Been removed from activities due to drugs or alcohol use

This clearance is based on satisfactory results of a background investigation which included checks of criminal records covering a minimum of the past five years and checks of other evidence that would threat or reflect adversely upon that individual's trustworthiness and reliability. This includes a criminal record from the home country, not older than six months.

Part 2: Criminal records check – a check against the Swedish Security Service's criminal records register. Before this check, you sign the form Permission to Security.

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