Battery storage systems

Battery storage systems support the integration of electricity from wind and solar power.

Vattenfall also offers batteries as fossil-free storage solutions. With battery storage, industrial customers can manage their consumption more flexibly by capping peak loads, with the so-called peak shaving. Peak shaving is a technique that lowers power consumption in times of maximum demand and thus reduces costs.

In areas with weak electricity supply, Vattenfall uses large batteries to increase capacity at peak times in order to avoid expensive grid expansion, or when waiting for transmission system operator (TSO) grid expansions, for example in the Swedish city of Uppsala.

Battery storage systems have the potential to play a key role in integrating renewable energy into the power grid. Vattenfall operates large battery storage systems in combination with wind and solar parks at several locations in Europe. These combined systems, also known as hybrid parks, balance the feed-in for greater stability of the power grid. Vattenfall’s newly built Haringvliet Energy Park in the Netherlands is the largest hybrid park in Europe.

Hybrid parks combine batteries, wind and solar power

With the Haringvliet hybrid energy park in the Netherlands, Vattenfall is combining the three technologies of battery, wind and solar for the first time.


Vattenfall is constructing an unique battery storage facility in Uppsala, Sweden.

Battery storage in Uppsala

Pen y Cymoedd

A 22 MW battery is operational at one of Europe's largest onshore wind farms, Pen y Cymoedd.

PenYComoedd wind farm

Princess Alexia

At the Princess Alexia wind farm in the Netherlands, 88 BMW batteries have been connected to form a mega battery for storing electricity from wind energy.

Windfarm Princess Alexia

Boliden and Landskrona Energi

Vattenfall, Boliden and Landskrona Energi, with support from the Swedish Energy Agency, are conducting a research project and investing in a new battery storage facility in Landskrona.

Ray wind farm

A battery storage system with a capacity of 20 MW is planned at the Ray wind farm in the United Kingdom.

Ray Windfarm

Mobile batteries

Batteries are also suitable for mobile deployment. A mobile battery storage system from Vattenfall allowed snowmobiles and electric vehicles at the 2019 World Ski Championships to be charged with carbon-free power at all times.


News and press releases

Hybrid technology boosts wind and solar

Increasingly weather-dependent electricity production makes grid operation more complex. A plant in Hjuleberg, Sweden, is using a solution based on new smart technology, combining wind power...

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Wilhelm Löwenhielm, Head of Battery Energy Storage Systems at Swedish battery developer and manufacturer Northvolt

Northvolt: “Don’t fight carbon with carbon in the energy transition”

Batteries have a key role in the sustainable energy transition. But for batteries to be truly sustainable, there are several important aspects to consider, explains Wilhelm Löwenhielm, Head ...

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Battery storage

Batteries born to be flexible

Everyone knows what a battery is, but fewer people know their vast potential. In fact, batteries will play a major role in the energy transition, from being a simple power source to helping ...

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Vattenfall Network Solutions 100 kWh mobile energy storage

Mobile battery solution supports drones in fossil-free thinning of forests

Vattenfall’s 'Power-as-a-Service' solutions for mobile energy storage continue to develop. Together with Uppsala-based company, AirForestry, a one-year pilot project is now underway in which...

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Volvo electric truck

A real e-transport challenge: 300 kilometres running on electricity in polar climate carrying 14 tonnes of iron ore

Managing to electrify heavy transport is an important element in the climate transition, but is it even possible above the polar circle?

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Curslack-Hamburg, combined battery storage facility and wind farm

Hybrid parks – new opportunities with multi-technology facilities

Combining wind, solar, batteries and in future even electrolysers, allows hybrid parks to be more cost effective by sharing infrastructure such as roads, grid connections or substations and ...

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See also

Construction of an offshore wind farm

We have an important role in the transition to a circular economy.

Children playing with a Carrera track

We are working with customers and partners to enable fossil freedom.

Aerial view of a construction site

Our strategy is in line with the UN's sustainable development goals.