Our operations

Business Area Wind

Vattenfall is one of the pioneers of wind power in Europe, both on- and offshore.

The Höge väg wind farm in Sweden

The Höge väg wind farm in Sweden.

We operate a portfolio of more than 1,428 wind turbines with a total operated capacity of 5.4 GW across five countries. In 2023, we also continued to expand our efforts within large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV), mainly in Germany and the Netherlands, as well as battery storage solutions.

Strategy and targets

In order to remain a leader in the energy transition, Vattenfall focuses on developing, constructing, and operating on- and offshore wind farms, large-scale solar PV, and co-located battery storage. At year-end 2023, Vattenfall had 2.3 GW renewable capacity under construction and an operated capacity of 5.4 GW. We aim to further strengthen our project pipeline across all our renewable energy technologies while managing increasing risk levels cautiously.

We continue to focus on forging partnerships with industrial off-takers of renewable electricity to support them in their decarbonisation endeavours as well as to stabilise revenues for our renewables projects and make them bankable. We seek to be a frontrunner in sustainability to accelerate fossil freedom with the power of renewables and facilitate co-existence of renewable energy development with society and a rich natural environment. We continue to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing circularity, working with suppliers to sustainably source goods and services, protecting biodiversity, and fostering social sustainability. As a majority of our wind operations’ carbon footprint comes from its materials, Vattenfall is committed to procuring low carbon steel and concrete with tangible targets with partners in the First Movers Coalition and SteelZero Initiative, respectively.

Furthermore, in March, Vattenfall signed the Dutch Renewable Energy Agreement on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) committing to make value chains in the renewable energy sector more sustainable.

More about Wind

Read more about Business Area Wind in the latest Annual and sustainability report.

Key data

  2023 2022
Net sales (SEK million) 25,373 29,109
External net sales (SEK million) 8,537 4,308
Underlying operating profit1 (SEK million) 6,544 16,479
Electricity generation (TWh) 13.8 12.2

1. Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability.

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